Surf Camp

April 10-14, 2023

For the first part of my semester break from school, I headed down to a week-long surf camp on Seven Mile Beach.

On the way to camp, we stopped at this beautiful lookout (I wish I could remember what it is called but I have no idea). I’ve never seen so much of the coastline all at once! I snapped a few pics in the outdoor common areas at camp throughout the week, but for the most part I stayed off my phone and enjoyed the experience.

One of my favorite moments from camp was the sunrise I caught with a few friends one morning before breakfast. We were all exhausted as it was already day 3 or 4 of camp, but we went out early anyway and were rewarded with the most beautiful sunrise I have seen here to this day!

This first photo & the block of photos that follow were taken with my Sony camera, whereas the second set of photos were just snapped from my iPhone.


Byron Bay Sunrise Walk

