around sydney.

March 11, 2023

The day after my birthday I joined Filip on a walk around Sydney. It was nice to not have to plan it – he already knew where he wanted to go and I just got to follow! First, we walked through the streets of Sydney on our way to the botanical gardens. Sydney is unique (at least to me as I have never seen anything like this before) in that it has light rails (a.k.a. trams) running above ground, so there are a lot of streets with only the trams running and no cars. Which is great for walking through the city!

The photo below is one of my favorites from this day. It may not look like anything super special, but I loved the look of the palm trees in front of the city buildings.

The botanical gardens were absolutely beautiful. One of my favorite parts of traveling outside the US is getting to see and take photos of all the unique plants and flowers that I’ve never seen before, and there was sure plenty of that in these gardens! I also really liked the two-part whale statue.

After walking out of the back of the gardens, we came to what just may be the best view of the Sydney Opera House in the whole city! We rested and snacked on a park bench while taking the view and the beautiful day in. I could have sat there all day honestly. It was hot in the sun, but perfect in the shade where we sat.

Finally, we walked from the botanical gardens, around the edge of the harbor, and up to the opera house. We got gelato on the way :) After this, I had to peel off and head home as I had plans in Newy that night. All in all, a great little walk around Sydney!



