How to Contact Me While I’m Abroad!

Hello everyone! I have tons to say about my first day in Australia but I’m totally wiped out after the journey here, so I will save that for another day.

Here are your options for contacting me while abroad.

  1. Email. Duh! I check my email super regularly and nothing will be different with this form of communication while I am abroad.

  2. iMessage. I have set up my iMessage to send & receive from my email instead of my phone number. So you should be able to text me through our existing iMessage conversation in the Messages app on your iPhone. It may just show up as my email now – if it does, just add my email to my contact in your phone and then the conversation will appear as my name instead.

    NOTE: When I get back from Australia, I will have to get a new phone number. Apparently the only way to keep my old phone number would have been to continue to pay AT&T for U.S. phone service while I am abroad. Considering that would have cost me a total of $250 over the course of the next 5 months, I decided to just take the loss and get a new phone number. I will of course send it out when the time comes.

  3. WhatsApp. For any non-iPhone users, this will be the only way to text or call me (cough cough, Aimée). I can be reached through my regular phone number through the app. For any iPhone users that are going to want to talk on the phone & catch up while I’m abroad, I would suggest downloading this anyway. Sometimes the call quality on WhatsApp is more reliable than the call quality on FaceTime Audio (more on that below).

  4. FaceTime Audio/Video. This can be used to “call” me while I am abroad. To initiate a FaceTime Audio call, go to our conversation in Messages, and click on the videocamera icon in the top right corner of the screen. This will pop up a small menu where you can choose from FaceTime Audio or Video. FaceTime Audio acts as a “call” whereas Video will be a video chat.

Grandparents – If you’re confused by the above, don’t worry about it. All you really need to know is that you can text me like you always have. If you want to call and catch up, just text me first and I will call you so that you don’t have to do anything but answer the call!

Anyway, it is 9:16pm here and I am yawning left and right. In total, I traveled for about 36 hours straight before finally reaching Newcastle.. and I only laid down for about 20 minutes at the hostel before going about the rest of my day here. Time to get some rest before I have to tour share houses tomorrow & decide on a place to stay! Love you all <3


One Month Later…


Colorado, Phoenix, & a Visa.